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The Finiteness And Infiniteness Of Philosophical Interpretation

Posted on:2014-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330398458523Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human being is a kind of finite existence, but he also has the ability ofautonomy, creativity and transcendence.The philosophy is fundamentally toexplore people’s survival question, that is the relationship between human beingand the world human survival. This will involve the problem of people’s finitenessand infiniteness inevitably.Human is the product of natural development, it’s the aspecific historical stage and a part of generalized nature.Therefore, there is nodoubt that generalized nature, namely the human survival world ispre-existent.Because of the preexisting feature of nature,people has to dependenton the external world.And this feature also decided the limitation of human.But, inthe scope of this limited, people still show the unusual initiative, autonomy,creativity and transcendence.From ancient times to the present or from westcountries to China, the problem of the relationship between the finiteness andinfiniteness during human survival throughout all philosophy field.It is thefundamental problem of philosophy world outlook.But, in the past,when thepeople studied it deeply, they would fell into a logical paradox easily.That is, onone hand, human is a kind of finite existence,but on the other hand, he also has the ability of creativity and transcendence, he can surmount the limit,then pursuit theinfinite. This article aims to analysis the background and thoughts origin of theconflicts from this contradiction relation,then reinterprets and analysis thecontradictory relations dialectically based on the theory of the marxist philosophy.And then attempts to find out the effective way of dealing with the relationbetween the pair of relations.This article is mainly divided into five parts.Part one:This part is talk about the paradox of human life,also namelyfiniteness and infiniteness contradiction,.This part starting from the backgroundand thoughts origin of the paradox,taking comprehensive study about the thoughtand theory about the finiteness and infiniteness relations traditional in Chinesephilosophy, western philosophy and marxist philosophy, then grasp the historicalcontext.Part two:The second part, comb and summarize the finiteness and infinitenessof the basic connotation and performance. Limited is mainly refers to people’s lifeis short and not specificity or unfinished. Unlimitedness is mainly refers to peoplehave sex consciousness, can realize its own limitations, and can play atranscendence in their practical activities and creative. Their performance mainly through observing the past philosophy thoughts about finiteness and infiniteness.Part three:This part is mind to grasp the relationship between the finitenessand infiniteness of human dialectically by taking the marxist philosophy as thetheoretical basis. This part is divided into four sections: the first three sectionsmainly discuss the dialectical unification relations of human’s finiteness andinfiniteness,.And the fourth section discusses the basis by which the dialecticalunification relations of human’s finiteness and infiniteness come true. It includingnature foundation, thought foundation and practice foundation.Part four:This part mainly talk about the alienated performance of therelationship between finiteness and infiniteness of human in contemporary society.Then analysis the reason why they can not be uniform.By expounding these,we canrealize the importance of people’s spiritual world,.The spiritual world can makepeople’s unlimited feature be possible.Part five:After expounding the finiteness and infiniteness relations appearedin contemporary society, this part try to find out the effective way to handle therelationship between finiteness and infiniteness of man correctly.
Keywords/Search Tags:finite, limitlessness, dialectical unification
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