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Lu Xun's Novel Humanism Connotation Analyses

Posted on:2013-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395979370Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We always have new ideas when we read masterpieces repeatedly. As a century greatperson, Lu Xun is a tremendous being with abundant cultural connotations. In the new century,researchers emphasized the research on Lu Xun and his literary studies again. Whilere-reading The Scream and Wandering, we are surprised to find that the precioustreasure-human theory is included in Lu Xun’s abundant cultural heritage. Literary is humantheory. Human theory, which refers to that literary is actually studying on human, reflectshuman’s real life and inner motion. It focuses on and expresses human’s flesh and spirit,which determines that “people oriented” is the basis and theme of literary. The formulation ofhuman’s living predicament, the seeking of life significance and the moulding of human’sideal personality reflect “human modernization”.The study targets The Scream and Wandering which are written by Lu Xun to discuss thehuman theory included in the two short stories, and to focus on human’s living condition,liberal personality, ideal pursuit, life significance, ultimate concern, destination and so on,thereby exploring the valuable reflection hidden in the back of public opinion and in thedepths.The four sections of the study are as follows:Section1is to discuss the diaphragm experience in The Scream and Wandering. Thissection focuses on the expression of diaphragm between persons and regard of the root ofdiaphragm to analyze the emotion barrier in Lu Xun’s short stories.Section2is to explore the loneliness predicament in The Scream and Wandering. Thissection discusses the loneliness circumstances of the intelligentsia and the reasons ofgenerating the predicament to explore the living condition of the intelligentsia in Lu Xun’sshort stories.Section3is to research the homesick in The Scream and Wandering. This section startswith “return home” mode to deeply analyze the cause for the theme-“return home”.Section4is to probe the awareness of life and death in The Scream and Wandering. Thissection shows the awareness of death multiply in the short stories to explore the culturalconnotation, thereby excavating the substantive characteristics of the awareness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun, The Scream, The Wandering, diaphragm experience, lonelinesspredicament, homesick, awareness of life and death
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