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The Change Of The Skeleton

Posted on:2014-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The human skull is a distinctive symbol of death and a cruel hint of human’s mortality,found throughout the history of human culture, religion and art. The concept of Death as a sentient entity has existed in many societies since the beginning of history. Every nation has a different cognition of death according to their own regional culture and historical backgroundResearch method is divided into five parts:1.Literature Material Investigation:Collect the concept of death and the skull of the data in the worldwide culture;2.The Study of Image data:Pictures arrangement and classification from web and publications;3.Graphic Summary and Layout Directory:To list a logical induction and the article context of words and images according to the directory;4.Supplementary Documents:Expand related knowledge according to the object of study;5. The Research Analysis:Make the comparison for horizontal and vertical of the object of study, determine the research standpointThis article aims at systematizing the skull image in the several continents all over the world culture in the development of history and in the context of contemporary subculture, the rise of art and fashion design, investigate its influence on the contemporary Chinese urban culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:SKULL, DEATH, ART
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