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"song Book" Comparative Sentences

Posted on:2013-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395452773Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Comparative sentence is of common syntax semantic sentence category. Song Annals is a biographical history book written by the famous scholar Shen Yue in southern dynasties, which records the sixty years’history of Liusong regime. In this paper, comparative sentences in Song Annals are researched from three aspects:Firstly, comparative sentences in Song annals are divided into four categories:comparison in the same degree, in the different degrees, in the best level and comparison without result. These four kinds of sentences were described in Chapters Ⅰ.Secondly, some issues of Song annals are analyzed from the aspects of semantic and pragmatic in chapter Ⅱ, and the internal features of Song annals is presented.Thirdly, some typical comparative sentences are discussed in Chapter Ⅲ from the diachronic point of view, such as "XW如Y”sentence,"rather than" sentence, showing its development path.Through research we found that:1. Southern and Northern Dynasties inherited almost all forms of the comparasive sentences, but the proportion in the language has changed a lot. And some new forms emerged, such as“以X比Y”and“X与Y比W”,the"方”word in Pan sentence.2.During this period, the use of“于”in comparative sentences is fewer, but not completely off.3. In the development process of comparative sentences, analogy played an important role. Replacing some words of the typical sentences can produce a new sentence, but the new sentence is easy to disappear in the competition, such as”比”replace the word“方”and other words.4. The phenomenon that the sentence speed of”不如”is slower than" 比”is due to its low using frequency and their meaning and usage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Annals, comparative sentences, synchronic, diachronic, grammors of three levels
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