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Conversational Implicature Interpretation Works Of Drama Lines

Posted on:2013-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377951415Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ordinary language philosopher Grice’s conversational implicature theory is a very important theory in pragmatics, conversational implicature theory and principles of cooperation can help people know that the communicative discourse is how to use and explain, then people can understand wyh the communication is successful.There are some problems in Conversational implicature theory and principles of cooperation, and this theory is also lack of a rigorous derivation mechanism to reason the true meaning of communicative discourse. Sperber and Wilson put forward the famous relevance theory, and not to the principles of cooperation as a starting point, just from a cognitive point of view to explain the conversational implicature, and describes the cognitive processes of the people of Verbal Communication and associated with the cognitive context, which is the principle of cooperation criticism and development, providing a strong basis of reasoning for the interpretation of conversational implicature. Zhao Yanfang developed the relevance theory and introduced of the Language Department and Environment Department "concept, reconstructing of a reasoning mechanism; Mr. Qian Guanlia’s width pragmatics concept combines with contextual knowledge and Chinese pair to analyze and reveal the characters’words in the Chinese literature. Therefore, this artile integrates the views of different experts and thinks reasoning the conversional implicature of the pairs of Chinese literary works should be established on the basis of analyzing of Chinese pairs, extracing the "Language Department and Environment Department" of the pairs, using reasoning mechanisms to derive real conversational implicature.Mr.CaoYu is a great playwright of China,and the four plays-"Thunderstorm","Sunrise","Wild","Peking Man" in Contemporary Literature get a high level of artistic achievement and a strong practical critical significance, especially the vivid and the characters and concise and thought-provoking dialogue. Through the analysis of the conversional implicature of the dramatic dialogue, we will be able to more clearly understand the personality of the character and to reveal the implication of the theme.
Keywords/Search Tags:conversional implicature cognitive context, reasoning mechanismdramatic lines, theme
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