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Peru Students Chinese Phonetic Analysis And Teaching Advice

Posted on:2013-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377450859Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is widly recongnized that errores analyses are appied to phonetica teaching in thesecond language acquisition. And many reasearches have indicated that pronunciationserrors made by overseas students show the characteristics of countries.For diferent nativespeakers, if we can act relativly teaching method, it will be meaniful for our phoneticateaching.The writer has taught Chinese as a second language to Peruvian for one year in Peru.So that we chosen Spanish as the reasearch object.With the appplication of contrastiveanalysis and theory of errors analysis. We have analysized the errores through collectingpronunciation sample and making questionarie.This paper has studied the pronunciation of single sillyable caracters and doublesillyalbe caracteres of Peruvian students. Firstly, we listen to the sample attentively andthen make a very detailed statistic.And than we find the common dificuties and erorrs ofthe Peruvian students and study the reason and regulation.Finally, we give the relativeadvice according to the results of the analyses.In the aspect of pronunciation, we have found that ü ua üe an üan ün c z q zh and ch aredificulties for Peruvian students.While in the aspect of single sillyable tone, they oftenmistake T3for T2and in double sillayable tone; the group T2+T1is their difficulties. Whatis more, during the sillyable groups, the highest erorr rate in the former tone is T2, and inthe later tone is T4.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peruvian Students, Chinese Pronunciation, Errors Analyses, Teaching Advice
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