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Wei Jin Lang Officer Ministers Group

Posted on:2013-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374977131Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The institution of the Department of State Affairs began from HanDynasty, and the scale expanded in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It’seffect on politics also enhanced. The selection of officers pay attentionto family status, so the candidate were limited by their native place andtheir family status. In the condition, the Department of State Affairsdeveloped rapidly. However, how deeply the group of the Directors ofBureaus of Department of State Affairs affect the politics of Wei and JinDynasties.Above these are worth more consideration.This thesis justinvestigate these questions from four aspect,including the settings ofthe Directors of Bureaus of Department of State Affairs, the investigationof their family status and their resumption and the relationship betweenthe group and the politics.The first chapter describes the setting of Department of State Affairsand the settings of the Directors of Bureaus. Clear up the distribution ofthe Directors of Bureaus of Department of State Affairs,berween weiand jin dynasty.In order to have a whole understanding for it.The second chapter describes the investigation of their natives andfamily status.Fouse on the differences and connections of the Directorsof Bureaus of Department of State Affairs and the higher ones.also fouseon the the age of mutual comparison.Then,we can reveals theselection of the regional and whether the regime is open or not.The third chapter describes their resumptions. We foucs on thedifferences and connections of the Directors of Bureaus of Departmentof State Affairs and the higher ones.Observe the group in four aspects,including intitial position,the highest postion,the previous postion andthe latter potion.In order to discusse the law of their resumptions.The fourth chapter describes the relationship between the groupand the politics. We foucs on the way of political participation and its area and degree.Through the above considerations,we can hold that the group ofthe Directors of Bureaus of Department of State Affairs is the middleofficals group.The postion is often considered as the path to higherpotions. The huge political potential means that this group in thepolitical influence cannot be neglected.
Keywords/Search Tags:wei jin, the Directors of Bureaus of Department of StateAffairs, native and family status, Political, participation
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