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The Sentence Pattern "sdp Is Np/vp" Research

Posted on:2013-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374477292Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation mainly focuses on one of the special sentences of“this/that” in Mandarin:“SDp is NP/VP”.Besides the foreword and theconclusion, it is divided into three chapters:Chapter one emphatically discusses the sentences of “SDp is NP”from the grammatical distribution and syntactic function, semanticrelations, appellation function, sentence structure and semanticrepresentation, as well as pragmatic principles. According to theperson subject of “S”, different sentences express differ, we believe thatthe different sentence semantic representation reflects the subjectiveattiudes and feelings of the speaker on the propositional content, andimplies the psychological feelings and attitudes of “emphasize on self”and “pay attention to the other side”.Chapter two principally discusses the sentences of “SDp is VP” fromthe grammatical distribution and syntactic function, semantic relations,appellation function, sentence structure and semantic representation,as well as solidifying. It can be a separate sentences and theindependent component, but also can serce as the object of thesentence in syntactically. The tone type of the sentence is mainlydeclarative and interrogative sentence. Demonstrative pronoun “Dp”based on the anaphora and the current alleged functions, also hascataphoric reference functions when the person subject is the firstpersonal pronoun. Semantics are mainly expressed in: discourse identityand weak discourse identity of the sentence “I Dp are VP”, a negativeevaluation and non-negative evaluation of the sentence “You DpareVP” and “He Dp is VP”. In this sentence,“Dp”has curing tendencywith the emphasis function.Chapter three analyzes the construction of “SDp is NP/VP”sentence.That the overall construction is defined as emphasize on the discourse behavior subject’ things and to strengthen the speaker’s ownemotional attitude. On this basis, ananlyzes the pragmatic function anddiscourse function, the construction is expressing emphasis function andconvergence function.
Keywords/Search Tags:construnction, emphasis, curing tendency
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