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W.k.che Humanistic Features Of Walter Riley Works

Posted on:2013-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374477127Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sir Walter Raleigh (c.1552-29Oct.1618) is one of the famous humanists in the reign of Queenof Elizabeth. He was a very pious Christian, born humble.He, full of talent, is a sailor, anadventurer, a poet, prose writer, a man of letters, a statesman and a historian. Raleigh has a largemajority of works, including poems, proses, most of which hadn’t been published and some hadbeen translated to Frenche or Russian. However, there are some left, such as The Ocean to theCynthia, The Silent Lover, The Lie, Farewell to the Court, The Passionate Man’s Pilgrimage, TheNymph’s Reply to the Shepherd, On the Life of Man, The Conclusion. He also had written anhistorian work The History of the World, a work about navigation Discovery of Guiana and hadtranslated The Skeptic, some politic passages and left some leteers. His poems express what hesuffered and the uncontrollable feelings, which is a kind of inner contradiction, distress and thefinal transcendence. The History of the World is a tremendous writing. Though unfinished, it hadbeen published five volumes. The book chronicles from the Creation to BC130, interrupting manycomments of his own, which is full of critical spirit. Discovery of Guiana is the product of thenavigation case. The Skeptic explains the view of philosophy, but much more about the suspiciousattitude of his whole life. The works demonstrate the characteristics of humanism, such as feelingsof classical culture, emphasis the real politic, with the spirit of adventure, full of individual spiritand skeptical attitude about life and the world, seeing history with a world view, which help usunderstand the ideal of Renaissance in England.The passage will consist of six chapters. Chapter one will briefly narrative the humanismeducation, extensively reading of the classic works and the process of creation of the Humanismworks of Raleigh, and then spy on the personality of the character from the times and the receivededucation to understand how he created. Chapter two to chapter five are going to discuss theneo-platonic subject, the personality, the skeptical attitude and the world view of humanism of theworks, which will help find out the personality and complex thought and feelings of Raleigh.Chapter six will expound the historical stage and the profound and lasting influence of Raleighand also review, reflect and summarize the connotation and meaning of humanism. Uponanalyzing the text, taking the case of Raleigh to know about the Renaissance of England frommiddle sixteenth century to early seventeenth century, I am trying to summarize the characteristicof humanism of Raleigh, enriching the content of the Renaissance in England. At last it summarisethe whole life of Sir Walter Raleigh, his works and its characters and influences and the reflectionof humanism in the Mordern world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanism, Neo-Platonism, Skeptical Attitude, Individual spirit, Humanism viewof world history
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