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Zhuangzi Philosophy And Its Modern Value

Posted on:2013-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chuang Tzu is an important thinker of ancient China. Philosophy of life is the core content of the Chuang Tzu’s philosophy. In this thesis, through a particular perspective to interpret the Chuang Tzu’s philosophy of life, which is Chuang Tzu’s philosophy applied to real life to solve the predicament of modern life, to build a harmonious relationship with nature. Study of Chuang Tzu’s philosophy of life, combined with current social reality and deep-seated social problems. Use Chuang Tzu’s philosophy to solve the plight of the modern, is the innovation of this paper.First, from two aspects, analyze the basis of the Chuang Tzu’s philosophy of life. Second, from the two aspects of the pursuit of life and the realm of life, discuss Chuang Tzu’s philosophy of life. Third, on the basis of analysis of modern social dilemmas discussed the modern sense of the philosophy of Chuang Tzu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang Tzu, Philosophy of life, modern value
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