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Alternative Stage Of "very" Enlightenment

Posted on:2013-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K K LouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the increasing frequency of the cultural exchangeprograms among the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the inlandaudience get plenty of opportunities to see the splendidness of thetheatrical works from Hong Kong. Hong Kong works, especially forthose from the experimental theatre, quickly impressed the inlandaudience with their distinct dramatic tension. Edward Lam, the director, isone of the representative figure of Hong Kong’s experimental theatre. Inhis thirty-year creative career, he directed more than fifty plays. Hisboldness in choosing the material, unique theatrical aesthetics andindependent attitude towards life won him a place in Hong Kong’stheatrical circle. Not long before a few years, he brought his works to themainland and won the widespread concern and approval in the mainland’stheatrical circle. His success in some extence means the breakthrough ofthe regional protective barrier of mainland, and at the same time, bringsinfluences to the mainland theatrical market.In this thesis, the author trys to make a premilinary exploration of EdwardLam’s directorial art by illustrating the background of his creation, hiscreative career and his directed concept, and analyzes his inter-citytheatrical attampt from the perspective of different cities, in hope ofmaking some reflections on the development of inland theatre.
Keywords/Search Tags:Edward Lam, Hong Kong’s Experimental Theatre, reative Ideas, Directed Concept, Stage Language
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