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Guzheng In Yunnan Inheritance Research

Posted on:2013-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The spread of China’s music culture in Yunnan has a longhistory. It produced and formed a unique traditional music ofYunnan in many fields. In Qin and Han dynasties, groups of Hanimmigrants started to entre into Yunnan, bringing with them amusic culture, most of the early music are court music,dancing-music and folk music. This article aims to take acomprehensive research about the inheritance, change anddevelopment of Guzheng (Chinese zither) music in Yunnan aswell as its situation in today’s social life, probes into theevolution of the process and the change track of Guzheng(Chinese zither) music in Yunnan from its early introduction toits present development, and observes the transmission anddevelopment of Guzheng (Chinese zither) music in Yunnan aswell as research and analysis its inheritance and developmentthrough a survey and study to the heritage and development ofGuzheng (Chinese zither) music during the three stages inYunnan as well as the interviews to some Guzhen (Chinesezither) teachers,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese zither, heritage, historical data interview
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