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"engaging In The Authority In The Air"

Posted on:2013-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371967836Subject:Vocal performances
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is mainly about the performance of the actor Xu Zhimo in a little-theateropera named “See you again, Kangqiao”. The title “wandering in the clouds” originatesfrom Xu’s poem “wandering in the clouds” which I have ever read before. After I havefinished writing the thesis, I read the poem again and found the sentence was suitable todefine the actor. So I chose it.The opera was put on in Renyi theater on Dec.21,2001, which was a new stage for thedevelopment of Chinese opera. It established a new form of Chinese opera based on thecreative thinking of traditional opera and the successful experience of foreign opera.Apart from the opera itself, the performance of the actors is really a crucial factor.Over30years, Xu’s life is short but magnificent. The romantic composition and thecomplicated emotion hidden in the beautiful poems have aroused a variety of studies indifferent fields. The thesis began with the description of Xu Zhimo. The author tried toinvestigate how to act him accurately by analyzing the relationships among the actors.The whole thesis was divided into four sections. The first section talked about the birthof little-theater opera. The second part briefly described the main actor and hisrelationship with the other actors. The third part analyzed the emotions of differentfigures and their performance. And the last part in zhe thesis said how to performancethe lines...
Keywords/Search Tags:"See you again Kangqiao", the little-theater opera, Xu Zhimo, aria performance
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