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Healthy Subjects And Patients With Kidney Deficiency Type Depression Identify The Facial Expressions Of Functional Imaging Studies

Posted on:2014-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330398952763Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To use fMRI technology observation TCM kidney deficiency of depressi on pat ients funct ional areas of brain activation region, completed with normal b rain function imaging, to explore the neural basis of different emotional val ence emotional processing in normal subjects in order to provide the referen ce basis for the depression brain function research.Methods:3. OT funct ional magnetic resonance imaging system was used to observ e15cases of kidney deficiency and15normal subjects to identify four categorie s of emot ional expressions on the faces of joy、neutral、sadness、anger reactio n,comparing two differences imaging in brain regions activated group. The demo graphics (IQ, gender, age and educat ion) of the control group matched thepatien ts with depression, and all the heal thy control group subjects’psychiatric fam i ly his tory need to be negat ive. The study of behavior data analysis software SPS S13and brain functional image data processing and statistical analysis of the c ontrol group by SPM8software gender, age and educat ion level of the pat ient grou p matches with no psychiatric family history. The image data processing and stati st ical analysis of SPM8software activation maps of bra in regionsResults:1. In no task status, in the recognition of facial express ions of neutral emotion, patients with kidney deficiency act ivit ies increased more brain area for cingu late BA31, BA23area, insula BA13area and superior temporal gyrus BA41area.2. Comparison of the fear and neutral faces, patients with kidney deficiency had more sensitivity in recognized of fear facial expressions than normal subjec ts,such as right frontal lobe BA38area and bilateral amygdala.3. Comparison of the happy and neutral faces, the normal subjects had more sens itivity in recognized of neutral facial expressions than patients with kidne y deficiency,such as left prefrontal BA6BA8area.Conclusion:1、The recognition of neutral facial express ion,patients with kidney deficien cy activated more brain regions than normal subjects, there might be a connec tion between cingulate gyrus、insular lobe and superior temporal gyrus in pa tients with kidney deficiency and the identification of neutral emotion.2、The recognition of fear expression, patients with kidney deficiency activa ted more brain regions than normal subjects. There might be a link between th c more activation of amygdala in patients with kidney deficiency to "The diso rder of the kidney may cause fear " theory in TCM.3、The recognition of happy expression,normal subjects activated more brain regions than patients with kidney deficiency. The left prefrontal cortex acti vation relatively subdued in patients with kidney deficiency might be indica ted they get less sensitive to happy emotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:fMRI, emotional activated, kidney deficiency of depression
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