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The English Professor Treating Stroke Palsy Experience Summary

Posted on:2013-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330395979165Subject:Acupuncture and massage to learn
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Professor Ying Hai has been worked for the department of Acupuncture(Neurology) in Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliatedhospital for nearly20years. She has developed profound and unique insightson neurological common and frequent diseases, and is well experienced inprescriptions and acupuncture practice. Stroke is one of the most common andfrequently occurring diseases among elderly nowadays with its incidencerate increasing yearly. Although the mortality rate decreases withthe improvement of healthcare system in recent years, the morbidity anddisability rates increase. The modern medicine does not have significantlyeffective treatments to stroke. The treatment for stroke in Chinese traditionalmedicine has a long history. Professor Hai has thoroughly and extensivelyresearched classic Chinese medicine work. Combined with modern medicineapproaches, she realized that hemiplegic stage is most critical to the prognosisof stroke. The Pathogenesis appears as the disease develops and the symptomsstabilize. Based on the progress of the disease and the alternation ofpathogenesis, as well as the pathological characteristics of liver-yanghyperactivity, deficiency of Qi and blood, and deficiency of liver and kidney,Professor Hai performs a variation of treatments to the hemiplegic patients usingsoothing liver and anchoring yang, supplementing Qi and activating bloodcirculation, and nourishing liver and kidney. Under the instruction of Dr.Weizhu Tian, a well-known Chinese medicine therapist specialized in ophthalmicacupuncture therapies, she has a profound understanding of ophthalmicacupuncture. She has combined Chinese herbal treatment with the application ofophthalmic acupuncture when treating hemiplegic patients, and utilizedadditional acupuncture techniques, based on the purposes of treatment, usingthe theories of balancing yin-yang, harmonizing disturbance of qi and blood,adjusting the functions of Zang-Fu, smoothing qi activities, and nourishing extremities, to achieve rehabilitation of motion functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:stroke disease, soft paralysis, expert experience
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