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Evaluation System Research Of Acid Rain In Shanxi Province

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2241330374986748Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Acid rain is considered as one of the greatest environmental problems. The acidityof precipitation is mainly made up of sulfuric acid radicle and nitric acid radicle formedby SO2and NOXin the atmosphere. The normal pH value of precipitation is between5.6and6.0, so precipitation of pH value under5.6is often called acid rain. The ChinaWeather Bureau Acid Rain Station website is one of the atmospheric environmentalmonitoring networks located at meteorological stations over the country, and stands fora professional monitoring system which can show the background atmosphericenvironment in a way. At present, Shanxi Institute of Meteorological Science has toprovide monthly and annual reports about quality monitoring of acid rain for themanagement departments and relative units of provincial bureau periodically, and alsoprovide official reports for Shanxi provincial government occasionally. The business isan important work, and simultaneously a public welfare service for our province.Therefore, it’s not only a significant basic work to analyze the observations of acid rain,but also the urgent demand for the modernization of meteorological operation.The thesis uses the acid rain observation data from the five existing observatoriesin Shanxi Bureau of Meteorology, develops an analysis and evaluation system for acidrain that is suitable to the local area in Shanxi Province and also has a good interface.Through the system various operations such as material warehousing, query, tabulation,mapping can be realized, and it will be more imaginal, intuitive and convenient to clearthe temporal and spacial distribution characteristics of acid rain; analyze, query anddispaly the relationship between acid rain and meteorological conditions (includingwind direction, wind speed, rainfall and so on); then produce bulletin forms of thequality of acid rain.The main contents of the thesis are as follows:1.The thesis analyzes the background of the analysis and evaluation system of acidrain in Shanxi Province and discuss its relative technologies.2.Through the analysis of data processing flow of acid rain in Shanxi Province andthe logical structure of the database, the thesis puts forward the system’s solutions and analyzes the functions of the whole system.3.On the basis of the business data flow, data model and system functions, thethesis makes a detailed analysis and design for the key databases of the system, anddescribes the programming finishing process of statistical and analytic algorithm foracid rain materials.4.The thesis analyzes and introduces the operating interface in detail, and some ofthe key codes are given.Due to the design and development of the system, the management, theinput-output and the analysis of acid rain observation data become more flexible tousers. The efficiency of acid rain business will be greatly improved by theimplementation of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:acid rain, analysis, evaluation, system
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