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The Invention Of Paper-making Technique And By Cai Lun

Posted on:2013-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, many scholars have raised the question of the inventor of paper Cai Lun based on the research on the historical documents, such as "Dong Guan Han Ji" and "Hou Han Shu", and made the judgement that Cai is at most an improver of paper instead of the inventor.Through the unearthed Baqiao, Fangmatan, and Xuanquanzhi papers materials, the paper intends to unravel the fact that paper first appeared in the period of West Han instead of the much-accepted version of three centuries later by Cai Lun. The study intends to explore how Can Lun won himself the honor of the inventor of paper? Was it out of his official position or royal award, and affection or coined by later men of words? That enthroned him the name of inventor of paper? It is these multi possibilities that blurred the image of Cai, and the idea is represented and analysised through the recast of a glorious gay nude.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cai Lun, paper making, doubt
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