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Coordination Of Mongolia Mother-Explortin Of Emotional Expression And Techniques

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the creation practice painting, oil painting, attention to theperformance of the emotional factors such as diversity, individuality. Showthat the artistic creation is the outside display of a person’s inner world, butthe show is required by the relative techniques of painting language show.Technical problems of oil painting is the painter must profound research,and should be mastered. The technical problems of oil painting and master,have laid the foundation for the painter presents the inner world in the picture.The subjective world and the inner feelings of the selection techniques cannotbe separated from each other, the. Combined with the use of the wholeprocess of creation style and painting language, to explore the theory ofartistic creation and the emotional expression of oil painting, which makes ageneral summary of my graduation creation, to explore a way of oil paintingcreation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolia mother, emotional expression, exploration of thetechniques, coordination
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