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On The Importance Of Chinese Traditional Music In School Music Education

Posted on:2014-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the process of globalization, more and more of our music scholars have begun to recognize the inevitable international cultural integration period, whose real name must not forget our family of traditional cultural characteristics. In2001, on the development of our country, protection, inheritance Chinese traditional music to develop a new curriculum standards, but for various reasons, our traditional music education in schools also exist, such as the uneven distribution of educational resources, school music education programs by other main subjects alternative, a single music curriculum teaching methods, as well as Western music knowledge centers, and many other practical problems. Combining these issues, this paper has a long history of Chinese traditional music and Chinese music education, and expounds, presentation, demonstration of traditional Chinese music in the modern importance of school education. This paper uses a literature survey, comparative analysis, interviews, surveys, theory with practice and other methods to carry out the relevant theoretical issues. Contents include: Chinese traditional music culture, origin, composition, history, morphology evolution; Chinese music education history, the content changes; modern school music education practical problems; traditional music in music education in schools significance of action and reaction in school music education; Chinese traditional music education advice and good prospects, etc., in order to demonstrate the importance of traditional Chinese music point of view.Experienced the modern transformation of the traditional Chinese music and modern music education system in his country ", under the double impact of the" localization ", the inheritance and development of China’s traditional music is imminent. In recent years, the national leaders in the number of meetings and conversations "cultural renaissance","cultural development and prosperity of the decision, in the context of the times, to carry forward the national culture, inheritance, inheritance and development of the folk music, an extremely important era in school education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese traditional music, music education, Importance
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