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The Cutting Skill Researching In Wood Engraving

Posted on:2014-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D GuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398962864Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the long history of printmaking, the cutting skill has been the most prominent anddominant characteristics in wood cut. The cutting skill had appeared in the remains of earlyhuman civilization,Chinese traditional cutting skill to copy printing for the primary purpose, it pursuit ofChinese painting lines document intended; Western artists learn Chinese woodblockprinting and evolved into an independent art form beginning from the Renaissance, to theexpressionism, cutting skill had been the most characteristic form of woodcut language.Chinese modern print from the “new woodcut” to today, the cutting skill has beenrich,skilled, developed into an independent language of Chinese cultural characteristics.The cutting skill of wood engraving has relationship with knife, knife plate, andorganizational skills, according to the traditional Chinese woodblock, wood surface woodengraving, wood engraving, the cutting skills and have different effects in different version.Study on the integration of induction on materials and techniques is the only way whichmust be passed to deeply understand the woodcut.
Keywords/Search Tags:woodblock, wood engraving, woodcut, cutting skill
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