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The Translation And Study About Yu Hua’s Literary Works In South Korea

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398961375Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper observed and studied about translations, publishing and the relevant research of Chinese contemporary writer Yu Hua’s literature in South Korea, through empirical, digitization methods.This paper consists of four chapters:In the chapter one, this is about the translation and publishing of Yu Hua’s literature in South Korea, and I looked into these in four sections. The frist, I contrasted and compared some informations about Yu Hua on the internet potal site, between South Korea and China. The second, I compared the publication status of Yu Hua’s literature in South Korea and China. The third, I analyzed the feature of publication about Yu Hua’s literature in South Korea. The last, I introduced some cases that dramatized Yu Hua’s novels in Korea.In the chaper two, I summarized the research status about Yu Hua and his literatures in South Korea. There are two sections. In the first section, I introduced many research results that Korean scholars did studies for Yu Hua from2002to2011, and mainly arranged and summarized many master’s theses and doctoral dissertations that were written by Korean scholars at graduate school, in Korea. In the second section, I researched the translation and publishing status in Korea of some treatises that Chinese scholars had studied for Yu Hua and his literature.In the chapter three, I compared on several aspects between Yu Hua and other Chinses writers how different attentions that they received from Korean. In the first part, I selected four or five Chinese contemporary writers for comparison and explained about the reasons why I selected these writers. In the second part, I concretely compared Yu hua with the selected writers on several aspects such as translated and publishing numbers of their literatures in Korea, the numbers of research articles etc.In the chapter four, I tried to find the reason why many Korean readers like to read Yu Hua’s literatures and the major works what catch many Korean’s attention. Through Korean readers had written book reviews about Yu Hua novels and essays on website, I checked about the reactions of the readers. In the first section, I looked into the understanding of Yu Hua’s literature that Korean readers had, and then looked for the reading motivations that could were found from reader’s book reviews. In the second section, I directly quoted many reader’s reviews and tried to show their reactions on the paper.Finally, On the basis of the above research, I totally summarized about some results of this research such as the status that Yu Hua’s literature was published in Korea, some kinds of studies for Yu Hua at Korean graduate schools and reviews of Korean readers and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Hua, Korea, Transltaion and Publishing, Research status about Yu Hua
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