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Research On Ci Of Ling Tingkan

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398956141Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Firstly, this paper showcases the unique creativity style of Ci of Ling Tingkan,who is the founder of prosody school in the field of Ci in the Qing dynasty. This isachieved through the research of Ling Tingkan’s life experiences, content of his Ciworks, and his perception of the study of Ci. Secondly, through the case study of LingTingkan, this paper displays the life of the literary intellects and the groupcharacteristics of the field of Ci during the period of Qianjia. Thirdly, by studying theCi works of Ling Tingkan, who is the representative of Scholar Ci in the period ofQianjia, it reveals another aspect other than the aspect of academic research of thescholars in the Qing dynasty, and helps the later generations understand Scholar Ci inthe period of Qianjia.This paper consists of three chapters, and the content and the key points of theresearch are as follows:Introduction: It makes a brief introduction to the historical background underwhich Ling Tingkan lives, his achievements in the field of the study of Ci, thesignificance, value and present research status of the selected topic.Chaper1: It gives a brief description of Ling Tingkan’s life stories, experiencesof making friends, and his achievements in academic studies and poems writing.Meanwhile, it probes into the origin of Ling Tingkan’s learning of Ci. It manages tohighlight the subtle relationship between his creating of the work Music of Playing theFlute near Plum Trees and his experiences and achievements.Chapter2: Firstly, It introduces Ling Tingkan’s works of Ci, which can bedivided into five categories: Ci of chanting objects and writing on the paintings; Ci ofdescribing sceneries and recording travels; Ci of living in a strange land and leading awandering life; Ci of arguing and debating; Ci of one writing a poem and the othersresponding it with another poem. All of these works together showcase the life of theliterary intellects in the period of Qianjia. Secondly, with the theories of Ci learningand aesthetics, it analyzes the unique artistic feature of Music of Playing the Flutenear Plum Trees. Ling Tingkan’s Ci not only has harmonious rhythms and has a preface before the content, but also has a feature of the combination of “being boldand open” and “being graceful and restrained”.Chapter3: First, through integrating the scattered materials, it summarizes LingTingkan’s perception of the study of Ci. This shows us a Ling Tingkan, who livesunder the rich academic atmosphere and makes great academic contributions to andmakes great achievements about the theories of the study of Ci. Secondly, it discussesthe origin of his perception of the study of Ci. Thirdly, it analyzes his theory about thestudy of Ci. He is an example of “scholars making rules on the writing of Ci” duringthe period of Qianjia. Fourthly, Ling Tingkan obeys the rules of rhythms strictly in thewriting of Ci and he is regarded as the founder of prosody school in the field of Ci inthe Qing dynasty. His perception of the study of Ci has a deep influence on theemerging of Wuzhong School in the field of Ci in the later time.Conclusion: It integrates all of the opinions in the paper, and summarizes LingTingkan’s status and influences in the field of Ci in the Qing Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ling Tingkan, Scholar Ci, Theory of prosody, perception of the studyof Ci
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