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Lustrous And Dazzling City Nightmare

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398952997Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Xiaoxuan works from the side reveals that in the modern urbanization under the background of modern people life of anxiety, depression and ridiculous state of mind. See from his images of ordinary varieties at the same time, we also can feel intense, painter of humanistic care.Li Xiaoxuan painted a series of the urban novels, character modelling is exaggerated, unlike ManHuaHua, expression is unique, in the form of absurd reveals modern urbanite and worrying mentality of the modern life, let we see the "ugly", wooden also give a witty, absurdity of emotional appeal. Li Xiaoxuan works of the words originate from literati paintings, especially from the eight master Qi Baishi and absorb nutrients. He absorbs the essence of the predecessors’at the same time, also has carried on the innovative ink, of the predecessors’ according to a new visual concept to integrate into the new structure give you the feeling that find everything new and fresh.Li Xiaoxuan for traditional painting has always maintained a deep feelings and interests, this and the current many ink painters abandoned in order to highlight the "modernity" and deny the traditional pen and ink art attitude is very different. It was because of his summing up the experience of the innovative ink painters before, add in a advocating pluralistic era, want to all kinds of art to absorb nutrients, makes Li Xiaoxuan in compatible ink paintings of Chinese and western to explore the road made remarkable achievements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Xiaoxuan, the new realistic view of art, Chinese painting, writing, art
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