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Study Of The Shanghongkanji Poem

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398951011Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fu Shan is one of Shanxi adherent poets in the late Ming and earlyQing dynasty. The paper take the poetry anthology"shuanghongkanji" as the research object, Analysis of the poetryideological content and artistic individuality. The article is made upof four parts.First, the different poetic contents of Fu shan in late Ming andearly Qing dynasty are concluded and summarized the author’srecord is more of the sadness of himself in a dark society, the infinitegrief of plebeian inhabitants, and the complaints of the qing dynastbrutality, however, these all can’t change the researched governingideas of saving the nation.Second, the researched made at the beginning of the qingdynasty poems are classified and summarized. After the qing dynastytaking power, adherents poets once caught in a contradiction andstruggle, Researched part made at the time of poetry reflects theindignation of life to be separated by war and the power of love,Another is against the person Acura, main part of this poetryexpressed his commitment to against the qing dynastydetermination.Again, as the regime of the qing dynasty gradually strengthen,researched into the passive resistance of qing government. Seclusion after the main content of his poetry is the record on the leisure life,visit a monk friends and travel to the surrounding landscape.Finally, the paper researched the poetry artistic individualitymainly from the image characteristics, language and art expressionmeans, Image characteristics can be divided into dynamic and staticimage transformations, the selection of various symbol of noble andpure poetry imagery, adoption of religious imagery, and borrow ofchinese herbal medicine image. In the convey of Language, theauthor doesn’t like too much decoration, the use of dialect proverbmakes poetry language with concise and plain characteristics,diversity of artistic expression is mainly about borrow that ambition,lyrics, using two kinds of color word, and the pun on a word. Then, theauthor discuss the poetry theme style in the stage of before andafter the seclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fushan, Shuanghongkanji, Ideology, Artistic features
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