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The Evolution Of Adhesion And Fusion

Posted on:2014-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398485150Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By observing the historical, every country’s existence and development, it isdifficult to avoid the impact of external and internal evolution. In the "naturalselection, survival of the fittest", under the brutal rule, adapt and assimilate naturallydifficult to avoid. But fashion is not the same advanced, while the improvement is notthe means abandoned. How to restore and interpret those who have disappeared orendangered historical relics, will effectively own traditional heritage, maintaining self,so that "harmony but not sameness" is very important.China has many specific festivals, such as the Spring Festival,the Dragon BoatFestival, the Qingming Festival and the Double Ninth Festival,"Man-days" is alsoone of them. In Chinese traditional festival "Man-days", people in addition to generalsocial activities, but also through the gift of "Sheng" to express themselves for thecelebration of the birth. According to documents and images recorded legacy,"Sheng"is the typical accessories of the "west queen". But in China the earliest gods pedigree,the "west queen" looks hideous evil, and it is precisely the charge of death. In thiscase, everything seems to be in contradiction.The "Man-days" derived from divination, no later than the warring states periodand spread millennium. Du Fu wrote the day in this section,"While looking at the cupin front of cypress leaf side of the drink, known as the "Sheng" gold flower can standthe cold" in the hope that people can be happy without sadness. Lotte on life andopen-minded, as if the sages always preached theme. the "west queen" image derivedfrom the messy hair has become today’s dignified. And "Sheng" is also used as thebasis of jewelry to remind people comply with nature and indifferent fate. Maybe atthe end does not mean the end, may be just the beginning of another cycle. Life anddeath, time and space, the radius of yin and yang, explore all of life and thinking tobuild, can be in the "Sheng" sign to find reference cited. The article also comparedwith the west remains, showing that different ethnic groups in the right time and theunderstanding of death is sometimes the same thing. Sprout, flourishing, and then fading is established laws governing the operation of all existence. Whether it is"Man-days" or the representation of this day accessories "Sheng" in the history ofhuman development and then flash annihilation elapsed.In the rapid development of society today, we will focus too much on thewinning side of economic improvement, the traditional material and non-materialremains too little protection. The formation of the state of the global village in thepromotion of multi-ethnic integration has played a positive role, but makes theyounger generation ignores the traditional trend has intensified. Based on the Chineseconcept of yin and yang, all alternate and transformation, opportunities also meanschallenges. Things that always has its legitimate and necessary reasons, but historycan not be changed is the demise of the cycle. We are humans, not God. But effectiveheritage living in the moment, it should be regarded as our historical responsibility.Contradictory unity of opposites is the fundamental law of materialist dialectics.This paper aims to right now but only remnants of the traditional festival of"Man-days", and contains die "Sheng" for some exploration and traceability in orderto find the reasonableness of its heritage inherent philosophical ideas and culturalmeaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Man-days, Sheng, west queen, life and death, inherit
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