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The Implication Of "Goodness"-from "the Perception Of Loftiness"

Posted on:2014-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398483848Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of "goodness" has been discussed by the human from ancient times to the present.Confucian tends to relate "goodness" closely to the insight into Heaven Rules.Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty has further developed the setting of this theory by refining "goodness" as "justice" and they believe that all ethics are "justice". Written in the Song Dynasty "The Perception of Loftiness" was originally Taoist book for teaching people Immortals. Maybe subjected to the influence of Confucianism at that time the author rose "goodness" to the highest position of Taoism through drawing on Neo-Confucianism’s "Justice" ideas."The Perception of Loftiness" is aimed at the words "goodness" and teaching people rehabilitate to become immortal, instead of persuading people to swallow drugs and do the temple is known as the first more complete morality book in China.The word "goodness" in "The Perception of Loftiness" has multiple implic ations:First of all,"loftiness" associated with "goodness" and in some sense it is the shaped foundation of "goodness". In morality "loftiness" is a special sta te of existence, and its ontological high Supreme Personality is "Taishanglaojun "(philosopher in ancient China, founder of Taoism)."The Reception" insisted t hat contents of the " goodness" which it advocated all came from the "loftiness ", in a word,"loftiness" forms the provisions and basis for the existence of "g oodness". Since "loftiness" responds to People’s behavior, it then had a kind of metaphysical significance. Secondly,"goodness" act as a moral principle in se cular moral life and regulate people’s behavior in accordance with the" main p rinciple of goodness". However, this moral principles and ethics also have uniq ue Taoist characteristics. Once again, the "The Reception" talks about "goodnes s", and in particular elucidates the importance of the heart, viewing that "good ness comes from the heart,"goodness" began in the first thought of the heart, s o it is very important for people to catch the first thought to form the "good side". After people have a firm perception of "good side", it is necessary for them to do goodness with self-encouragement, therefore it writes in the en d:"The real goodness is done by initiative not by coercion". Finally,"goodnes s" could gradually be turned into the moral character of the individual during t he individual rehabilitated process, through "doing goodness three times a day" with perseverance. With the accumulation of moral character, the individual w ill accordingly become the "auspicious person", then "celestial being", then "im mortal", and then enter the gradually progressive moral realm, and finally into the Taoist sense of Wonderland.In short, the implication of the "goodness" from "The Perception of Loftiness" goes through the concept of heaven, perception of knowing and doing as well as the view of ideal realm, reflecting the reform and improvement of Taoism.
Keywords/Search Tags:“The Perception of Loftiness”, goodness, loftiness, moral principle, good thought, good deeds, immortal
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