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Historical Analysis Of The Movement Of Criticizing Hu Shih’s Ideology In The1950s

Posted on:2014-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398477069Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During1950’s,the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology is political movement of Destroying the old and establishing the new in ideological field, the Communist Party of China criticized ubiquitous the principle of academic independence, liberalism and the consciousness of independent personality in the intellectuals. The CCP tryed to transform liberal intellectuals into the revolutionary enterprise of screw nail, to integrate them into the sinicization of marxist ideology.These intellectuals were independent of state system in the material, spiritual, mastered the rich cultural resources and enjoyed a high social prestige, and attempted to be with intellectuals for the social center of gravity.In the process of the revolution, the CCP has gradually constructed a Leninist party, the power of the party concentrated in the supreme leader of the party. With the communist revolution to victory, Mao Tse-lung gradually has unquestionable authority, Personal arbitrary power of Mao Tse-tung in the party can not be effectively constrained. In the process of initiating of the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology, Mao Tse-tung played a key role. Mao Tse-tung was able to initiate the political movement which engulfed the entire intellectual,The primary cause was he fundamentally depended on the totalism political system established by the CCP. In the totalism political society, all individuals and organizations was incorporated to the control of the CCP’s organization, and the CCP relied on the unprecedented power resources at its disposal, and could rapidly mobilize intellectuals to carry out the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology.The text of The criticism ofHu Shih’s ideology could be excavated three text characteristics:Class origin theory,Label politics,Language of violence. In the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology,Class origin theory was even more extreme, the thought of jus sanguinis had already apparent; label politics had begun to spread and showed the clues of label tyranny; language of violence is stately filled intellectuals. The Great Cultural Revolution began to surge. This directly reflected at that time social ecological anomalies and changes.With promoting of Class origin theory, label politics and language of violence, adding the strong control of the organization, an unprecedented political movement was mobilized, but also greatly strengthened the inclination of China’s political tradition of anti-intellectualism.Through Criticism of the United States, criticism of Hu Shih and self-criticism, especially old intellectuals self-criticism, the CCP tryed to overthrow the idol of Hu Shih, got rid of that intellectuals worship American system, values, and established the absolute supremacy of Marxism. The direct consequence of the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology is that, first, an irrational extreme fanatical pseudo nationalist sentiment and xenophobia awareness began to spread in the intellectuals; second, intellectuals had lost confidence to they master the value of the symbol system, they had doubt their own personality moral, not only criticized Hu Shih, as a symbol of the spirit of the Modern Enlightenment, but also self-criticism, self-demonize;the atmosphere of personality cult began to take form.In the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology, intellectuals were unable to contend with totalism political power, but outside the mainstream went along with the CCP to criticize Hu Shih, there are some intellectuals such as Yin-Koh Tschen, Lei Haizong, Liu Jie,Rong Geng bravely to expressed their true attitude in public, Wu Mi vented their hatred of the political movement in his diary; The Gu Jiegang were in dilemma that they were in stick to our principles and adapted to the new social environment in order to achieve survival.The movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology was a landmark event that the CCP transformed intellectual’s ideology and reshaped of the spirit of the intellectuals. From initiation and operation of process of the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology,we can clearly see the model of Yan’an Rectification movement that once again used. The CCP had became the ruling party for five years, but the logic in the revolutionary era that dealing with the relationship between the party and intellectuals was still distinct, and continued to be strengthened and used. In the movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology, the CCP waved the sharp sword of class struggle, and all ideological debates were reduced to class struggle, the logic of the revolutionary era continued to dominate the thinking of the leaders of the CCP in the post-revolutionary era. The logic of mass movement to solve the problem of the ideological field is exactly the same with a series of political movements after1949, which reflected that the transformation of the CCP in power from the Revolutionary Party to the ruling party was arduous and difficult. In the totalism political society, intellectuals experienced a process of discourse conversion in the movement of ideological transformation. Whether intellectual’s comments and actions went against will or was forced in this process, in turn,their comments and actions constituted practice of the creation or perfect totalism political system and the new ideological discourse. The movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology and other ideological transformation movement result the loss of the modern intellectuals’ spirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:The movement of criticizing Hu Shih’s ideology, Totalism, Intellectuals’spirit, Lost
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