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A Report On The Translation Of Education And The Social Order (Chapters2&5)

Posted on:2014-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D X LiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a report on the translation of the2chapters——“The Negative Theoryof Education” and “Home Versus School” of Education and the Social Order writtenby Bertrand Russell. Some educational thoughts of Bertrand Russell, the prestigiousthinker in the world are introduced in this book, and they have a far-reaching impacton the following generations.Based on “functional equivalence” theory of Eugene A.Nida, many translationskills and methods have been applied in this translation project. The writer has comeacross many difficulties in the translation. For example, the lack of western cultureand background information has brought about lots of obstacles in the translation. Byreferring to kinds of references and dictionaries and communicating with othertranslation learners, the writer has finally finished the translation task. The writer hasbenefited a lot from this project as she deeply realizes what she can do to improve hertranslation and also accumulates much experience in the translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bertrand Russell, Education and the Social Order, education, translation report, functional equivalence
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