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A Translation Project Report On The Middle East:Changing From External Arbiter To Regional Player By Clair Spencer

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a translation project report on the treatise entitled“The Middle East:Changing from external arbiter to regional player”from the book of America and aChanged World: A Question of Leadership, published in2010. Clair Spencer, thebook’s author, makes a deep and systematic study of and theoretical analysis on therelationship between the US and Middle East peace process starting from theinauguration of President Obama in2009. The treatise takes the US and Middle Eastpeace process as a whole from the historical perspective and analyzes theirinterrelation and explores the factors that have affected the US-Middle East PeacePolicy. Besides, the treatise compares the relationship between the US and MiddleEast in the peace process of different times. In the end, the author gives her ownadvice about how to realize a long-term stability of the Middle East.Based on the analysis of the background, objectives, significance of politicaltreatise translation, this report introduces the author, main contents, structure andlinguistic features of the source text and then discusses the difficulties concerningtranslation and solution respectively. During the translation of this English politicaltreatise, the report, with a combination of the Contrastive Studies of English andChinese as well as a view to the reading habit of Chinese, proposes some translationtechniques, such as amplification, division and additional remarks and some othermethods. In the end, the report concludes with lessons to learn from and unsolvedproblems in the project.
Keywords/Search Tags:“The Middle East:Changing from external arbiter to regional player”, translation background, translation difficulties, translation techniques, experience anddeficiency
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