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The Sociological Interpretation Of “Personal Experience”

Posted on:2014-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398451101Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kenzaburo oe’s works that often from macroscopic whichanalyzes the social problems gives a person with rational thinking."Personal experience" is one of his representative works. Thisarticle attempts from the Angle of sociology "personal experience"for research, which from the perspective of the social relationshipreflected by the work of social problems, and how to reflect, and thereason of it, so that to know the sociology significance of the work.This paper consists of introduction, text and epilogue. Theintroduction part summarizes kenzaburo oe and his writings, andcombed the river and the personal experience of the domestic andforeign research present situation, and the theory method ofEmerson’s theory of sociology of the writing, in order to elaboratethe paper’s research value and innovation. The text part is dividedinto three chapters discusses: The first chapter expounds thesocial relations, including two aspects: the relationship betweenProtagonist Mr. bird and the five persons who is closely related to;Main characters Mr. birds and Miss fire, analyze whose socialrelationship respectively. The second chapter analysis reveals thesocial problems, social relations, mainly from these three aspectsto analysis which are the spiritual crisis of youth, human selfish,nuclear pollution hazards. The third chapter discusses the causes of social relations and Includes economy, politics, culture, etc.Conclusion part summarizes the full text, embodies the sociologyresearch value and significance of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social relations, Social problems, Social crisis
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