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Interpretation And Acceptance Of The Speech From (the Year)1949to1956

Posted on:2014-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395996104Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Speech at Literature and Art Forum in Yanan (herein after referred to as the Speech),delivered by Mao Zedong in1942, is an integral part of Rectification Movement of Yan’an.The aim of the Speech is to solve the theoretical and practical issues during the developmentof China’s proletarian literature and art. Mao Zedong proposed the basic principle:“literatureand art are at the service of workers, peasants and soldiers”. It propelled the progress ofliterature and art movement in the Liberated Areas. This proposition is based on the analysisof historical literary experience since May Fourth Movement; moreover, it is a creativecombination of Marxism-Leninism literary theory and the concrete literary practice in China.From the year1942to1949, the Speech was extensively popularized and implemented inevery literary field; gradually, it was regarded as a part and parcel to Mao Zedong thoughtsystem. With the foundation of People’s Republic of China on October1st,1949, the Speechbecame the guiding ideology of New China’s literature and art. Further change was requiredto be done in ideology and culture field to cope with the foundation and consolidation ofpolitical power and the completion of major socialist transformation. Therefore, in1956,“encouraging blossoming and contending of all” was proposed as the basic policy, corresponding to the guiding ideology, for booming literature and art in China. Over the yearsfrom1949to1956, the Speech was transmitted and interpreted in various ways. Thus theinterpretation of it entered a new stage. Thanks to various tactics and operation mechanism ofinterpretation, in the early days of New China, the Speech experienced constant enrichmentand development. Meanwhile, the framework of socialist literature of New China began totake shape. This thesis attempts to construct a framework of the interpretation and receptionprocess, which are reasonable and clear, from the aspects of subject, theme, approach ofinterpretation and textual practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Speech, Interpretation, Acceptance, Early years of New China
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