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Compilation Principles And Usage Effect Of College English Reading And Writing

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395994639Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study of textbook compilation started long time ago in the international field.Since the proposition of relative textbook compilation theories by Bloom in1956,much attention has been paid from scholars of different countries. As the studydeepens, more and more universities and colleges find that English textbookscompiled under universal principles are problematic: they don’t keep up with thestudents’ language ability.In recent years, universities and colleges in China are paying more attention tothe course of College English, and therefore more qualified teachers are now workingin the corresponding domain. This kind of holding so many good teachers has enabledthe universities and colleges to compile the textbooks which are more suitable to theirstudents at school.The textbook College English Reading and Writing was compiled thereafter.Considering the disadvantages of the previously used textbook—New HorizonCollege English, the teachers in the Department of Foreign Language, Jilin AnimationInstitute, organized and compiled the textbook, and then used it in the school.By studying the compilation principles of College English Reading and Writingand usage effect of the textbook, the author did a comprehensive study on thetextbook compilation, and made a summarization of both the advantages anddisadvantages of the textbook compilation principles as guidelines to compile newbooks.The whole thesis is divided into six parts:The first part is about the statement of purpose, setting of the problem andsignificance of the study.The second part is literature review. By studying current researches on textbookcompilation at home and abroad, the author tries to find reference and innovativeideas, and ensure theories’ application scope.In the third part, the author analyzes mainly the compilation background ofCollege English Reading and Writing. The background includes the socialrequirement toward college students’ English proficiency, the students’ current English proficiency and the disadvantages of New Horizon College English foundduring the using process. At last, the author introduces three compilation principles—CET4as a target, easy and interesting.In the fourth part, the author expounds the first compilation principle—CET4asa target. After detailed explanation of College English Curriculum Requirements,based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objective, according to the statistics ofstudents’ CET4pass rate, the author ensures that the new compiled textbook is taking“CET4as a target”.In the fifth part, the author discusses mainly the second and the thirdprinciples—easy and interesting. As compilation principles,“easy” and “interesting”have unique meanings. In this part, the first thing is to explain in detail what is“easy” and what is “interesting”. After the explanation, the FLESCH table isintroduced to measure the “readability” of texts and words, to support the principlesof “easy” and “interesting”.The sixth part is the conclusion and recommendation part. The author talksabout the major findings, limitations and suggestions for further research.The thesis uses gradient theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectiveand the summary of objective gradient to verify CET4as target of College EnglishReading and Writing. Then the author uses FLESCH Reading Ease formula, tomeasure the difficulty of texts. At the end, the author makes use of FLESCH HumanInterest formula, to choose interesting contents and topics. These three theories alsocan expand their own scope of application in the process of supporting and guidingtextbook compilation.Under the guidance of the above theories, the studies on textbook compilationand use procedure can enrich textbook compilation experience in the academic world,and also can set up a reasonable, effective and able-to-draw-on example for latertextbook compilation.The innovation of the thesis is that the author uses Bloom’s theory to verifywhether the contents of a book satisfy the requirements of CET4theoretically in thefirst time. Besides, the author does a comprehensive study on compilation principlesand practice of College English Reading and Writing. In this process, a new mode—specific principles to guide specific textbook—is constructed, and a new and effectivetextbook compilation method is found. In published teaching materials, there are not many textbooks with specificcompilation principles. A lot of universities and colleges like textbooks in universaluse. Scholars tend to study universal textbook compilation principles rather than howto compile a specific textbook. By studying the objective and subjective backgroundinformation, the author summarizes needs of students in Jilin Animation Institute.Correspondingly, the author proposes hypothesis of three expected principles—CET4as a target, easy and interesting. Then these three principles are verified respectivelyby Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objective Theory, FLESCH Textbook Easeformula and FLESCH Human Interest formula. After that, statistics of students’ CET4pass rate and results of questionnaire are used as practice verification. In the processof writing this thesis, methods as text research, literature review, comparative analysis,questionnaire and data analysis are used. The final result of the thesis shows that usingCollege English Reading and Writing can improve students’ interest of learningEnglish and increase their CET4pass rate, which conforms to the supposed effect.The thesis promotes that compilers should pay attention to realistic situation whencompiling textbook. Specific problems should be specifically analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Compilation Principles, Effect of Usage, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, FLESCH
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