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On Translator’s Adaptation And Selection In E-C Translation Of Children’s Literature

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395992799Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland translated by Chao Yuanren is not only considered as a Chinese translation classic, but also of great significance in modern Chinese literary history. Based on the theory of eco-translatology, this study points out the elements that consist of the translational eco-environment for E-C translation of children’s literature (CL), how does the translator adapt to these elements, and after adapting to these elements, how to select the final target text.Through analyzing Chao’s version, this thesis holds that the translation process of CL is the translator’s adaptation to the translational eco-environment for CL and optimal selection of translation methods to produce translation with the highest degree of holistic adaptation and selection. Moreover, this thesis also points out that the translation process of CL consists of two stages:the translator’s adaptation and selection. At the adaptation stage, the translator should adapt to the translational eco-environment for CL, including the outer and inner translational eco-environment. The former mainly refers to the social background, the patronage, the target reader, etc; the latter is mostly about the translator, for instance, the translator’s ideology, language competence, etc. At the selection stage, the translator selects the form of the final target text mainly from linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions with domestication, substituting and children’s language as the major methods.Furthermore, this study tentatively generalizes some general proposals for CL translation in the hope of being helpful for the translation practice of CL translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eco-Translatoloy, adaptation and selection, children’s literaturetranslation, translation process
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