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Deyu Li And The Literature Of Mid-late Tang

Posted on:2013-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395971501Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deyu Li was a great Prime minister, a representative of the Li Party in the famous Nui-LiParties Struggle, and was also a famous literature in the Tang Dynasty. His view of theimperial examinations and literature represented some scholars who had similar ideas in theMid-Late Tang Dynasty. His works were high quality and practical, which were a largenumber of poems and expositions. He had plenty of friends who exchange ideas with others,it can well reflect the scholars’ literary activities,creative mentalities and life attitudes in theMid-Late Tang Dynasty. The study of the relationship between Deyu Li and the Mid-LateTang literature would be helpful for us to understanding the literature in the Tang Dynasty.This paper is taken Deyu Li as the study object, discussed his position and role in theNui-Li Parties Struggle. This paper is also discussed his view of the imperial examinationsand literature, and analyst the relationship between his creation and the classical in theMid-Late Tang literature. The literature activities of Deyu Li and his friends will be studiedtoo. Above all, it will be given a foundation which the research of the literature in the TangDynasty.This paper includes four parts:The first part is mainly described the research and previous studies on Deyu Li’ssituation and the basic train of thought will be presented in this paper on the basis of thepre-existing research.The second part is mainly explored on the Nui-Li Parties Struggle, and discussed DeyuLi’s views and reformation of imperial examination, and the influence of the Mid-Late Tangliterature. This paper is argued the development of the Parties struggle which was caused byMuZong、JingZong and WenZong in the Tang Dynasty. In the process of the struggle, bothDeYu Li and SengRu Niu were victims, the political struggle is harmed to the empire at thesame time. On the other hand, DeYu Li also hard revived Confucianism, reformed theimperial examination. That had positive social significance in the Tang Dynasty.The third part is mainly discussed Deyu Li ’s relationship with his friends as ZhenYuan、YuXi Liu, Chuanshi Shen and the other Tang scholars,analyzed the characteristics and theinfluence to the Mid-Late Tang literature.The fourth part is mainly discussed the relationship between Deyu Li ’s creation and theMid-Late Tang classical literature。It is analyst Li Deyu’s view of literature and discussed thecharacteristics of his article creation. This paper is argued that Deyu Li carried out histheoretical poetry writing ideas and created a lot of simple articles。Finally, a chronology of Deyu Li is attached.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nui-Li Parties Struggle, Deyu Li, classical literature, exchange ideas
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