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A Study Of The Ideological Education Of College Students Majored In Music

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395967040Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Music colleges of normal universities take the responsibility fornurturing and training qualified music teachers for the country and theInner Mongolia Autonomous Region. However, these music collegesmust pay more attention on the music talented persons’ ideologicalquality and comprehensive ability when provide qualified teachers for thesociety. These teachers should not only have high-quality professionalknowledge but also good ideological quality. To achieve this aim, weshould fully show the unique artistic appeal and professionalcharacteristics, raise their ideological level and political consciousness,and combine the development of ideological education closely with theprofessional knowledge of music to meet the need of music majorstudents’ morality and artistic culture, and to develop music aestheticability, expressing and acting ability of these students. At the same time, itshould purify the soul, improve the comprehensive quality, and promotethe raise of moral standards of students, and make them become theoverall development talents. Besides, the final aim of these musiccolleges of normal universities is to foster high-quality teacher forces toset the basis for the future education career.The particularity of the music education of college teachers makesthe music major students have some special characteristics than thestudents in other colleges. What’s more, with the expansion of enrolmentin Music College, the number of students increases year by year and theoverall quality of these students differ to each other, as a result, themanagement of education in Music College faces with inevitable severechallenges. We cannot cultivate talents with good morality and artisticknowledge of this new era, if we neither fully know and analyze thecharacteristics and grasp the regularity of personality of college studentsmajored in music nor make pointed education management.Firstly, after the researh of the study, life and other aspects of the students majored in music in our school, then the author makes asammary of the general proplems these students have. Secondly, theauthor analyzes the reasons for these problems by means of collecting andreading large quanties of materials on the callege students maiored inmusic, and through various researches and analysis such as questionnairesurveys, and the author’s seriously summing up from the work experience,then find out the characteristics of the students majored in music, andfinally tell the differences of the ideology of students between othercolleges. These researches will provide an effective theoretical supportfor the construction and improvement of the ideological education ofcollege students majored in music. In this way, the author tries to digout the reasons for the problems these students have, such as, theemphasis on the professional knowledge, relaticely weak culturalfoundation, thecharadter of individuality and personality, the lack ofteamwork spirit, the pursuit of self-perfection, the weakness of sociableability. Lastly, it is the solution to solve the problems these students have.The author puts forward some adoptable suggestions to strengthen theeducation management of music students in our school, such as,strengthen the ideological and moral education, improve the ideologicalquality, improve the construction of working forces’ educationmanagement, make an all-round development of the students, develop thecomprehensive quality through artistic practice, improve and perfect theacademic morality education, make the positive campaign of educationand some other advices.The author, through the study and research on the ideological andpolitical edueation of the music major students, and the analysis andsummaries of the psychlogical characteristics of these students, has hadthe theory to support his ideas that can strengthen and improve theeducation management of music major students in our school. This paperwill contribute to the implement and innovative practice of the educationmanagement of our school, and it can also cultivate the builders and successors for the socialist undertakings in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:music, characteristics, ideological education, methods
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