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The Analysis And Reform Of Vocal Teaching In Chifeng Academy Of The Chifeng College

Posted on:2013-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J JingFull Text:PDF
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Vocal Teaching is different according to the learner voice conditions andcharacteristics of the different existing and problems, the ability to understandand accept different music quality and cultural enrichment, relevance,regularity strong set type ideological, artistic, intellectual, technical onepractice, the Higher Normal, Normal Music institutions indispensable to anapplied discipline courses.After entering the era of the new century, with the deeping advance ofmusic teacher education programs teaching reform and quality education, thetraditional of vocal teaching mode can no longer meet the needs of socialdevelopment, and thus the actual situation for vocal music teaching, acrossthe country are actively promote the reform of vocal music teaching inuniversities, working to establish a scientific and rational system of vocalmusic teaching, in order to adapt to the new curriculum standards, and meetthe needs of the development of the times and society. for several years,TheChifeng Music School also actively carried out a series of reforms of thevocal music teaching to further improve the students’ vocal skills, and trainhigh quality teachers and vocal performances talent.The text is consists of three parts, that attempts to the timing of thehistorical development of the Chifeng Music School of the main line to use togather information, inductive method of literature reading, make anappointment to interview, classification, finishing research. The first part wantto study Chifeng College Conservatory of Music Vocal Department of Historyand Development of the History and development, teaching the course anddevelopment of vocal, the Chifeng Vocal teaching historical analysis of threediscourse; the second part is Chifeng College of Music in vocal teachingsituation, from a music professional and music performance major cut anddiscussed to identify the two professional vocal teaching in common withpersonality and a unique place; the third part Chifeng College of Music invocal teaching analysis and vision, combined with the College to improve the overall quality of the vocal music teachers, improvement of vocal musicteaching methods, reform the curriculum of vocal teaching, improve teachingoverall construction planning in four areas to find a suitable Conservatory ofMusic and Vocal Teaching development of new roads.The Paper approximate both discourse﹑detailed investigations and dataanalysis, from simple to complex, the commencement of the outside to theinside. I believe After five years of reform and development, Chifeng CollegeConservatory of Music will be the new face of reform and innovation speedwalking in the forefront of the Chifeng College teaching, but also be able toopen schools, realistic and pragmatic approach to development into theautonomous regions of similar institutions the forefront.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Music of Chifeng College Conservatory, Vocal Musicteaching, Analysis, Reform, Explore
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