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The Current Situation Of Ping Yao Lacquerware Industrialization

Posted on:2013-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395962639Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ping Yao Polished Lacquerware is famous for its palm polishing and the golden-tracedcolour painting artistry.It had ascended into “the Four Great Lacquerware of China” since QingDynasty. After the founding of People’s Republic of China,Ping Yao Polished Lacquerwarestepped into the golden times of mass production on the encouragement of national policy,duringwhich it produced plenty of exquisite lacquer works,and created great economic value.It gotinto imminent danger for a time.And then this kind of long-standing culture and artistry gotrebirth after being formally classed into the first batch of Chinese National Intangible CulturalHeritage in2006.This article takes Ping Yao Polished Lacquerware as the subject of research. And it aimsat proposing tentative ideas and prospect of its preservation with the following arguments:summarizing the history of the development of Ping Yao Polished Lacquerwork,researching itsmanufacturing status and sales status,analysing the characteristics of the shape and decorativepatterns of contemporary Ping Yao Polished Lacquerware,and evaluating its artistic, cultural,practical, historical and economic value.At present,though we have got some achievements in the protection of Ping Yao PolishedLacquerware,there still remains certain problems in the process of modernization. Such as thechoose of use of Chinese Lacquer or chemical lacquer;the balance between the manualproduction of handicraft and the artistry of lacquerwork. Therefore it is time to find effectiveways of protecting intangible cultural heritages of manual type under market directedeconomy.And at the same time we must encourage the whole nation especially people in PingYao to participate into the preservation of lacquer works.Protection and exploitation can beunder way simultaneously by scientific data collection and reasonable personnel training.Ultimately we must devote to promote the development of industrialization of Ping Yao PolishedLacquerware,moreover to preserve, inherit and evolve it more effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ping yao, Lacquerware, Traditional Handicraft, Manufacture, Sell, Design, Current situation
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