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The Study Of Measure Words In Sanhe Dialects Of Cili, Hunan

Posted on:2013-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395954187Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Measure word is one of the basic word categorie of the modern Chinese, it has a highfrequency of use in the oral, each dialect has a considerable number of measure words, mostof them also have a lot of obvious features. The object of study in this paper is measure wordsof Sanhe Dialect of Cili, Hunan. Through the description and analysis of classification, form,usage, etc, to reflect the basic face of measure words in Sanhe Dialect,and through thecomparison with Mandarin measure words to reveal the characteristics of Dialect measurewords.The whole paper consists of5chapters:The first chapter is an overview. Firstly, discussed the origins of topics and the researchsignificance,introduced the sources of language materials. Secondly, for the history of studyabout Chinese measure words and the present situation of study about Dialect measure wordsmade a simple carding and description. Then, introduced the general situation and historyabout Cili county. Finally, it is stated that Sanhe Dialect belongs to Huguang cluster ofSouthwest Mandarin, and introduced the voice system of Sanhe Dialect.The second chapter is the general picture of measure words of Sanhe Dialect. The firstsection generally introduced the historical classification of Chinese measure words, anddetermined the classification of measure words of Sanhe Dialect, that is use noun of measurewords,verb of measure words dichotomy, then subdivided each category into differentsubcategories. The second and third section introduced the noun of measure words and theverb of measure words of Sanhe Dialect in turn, form as the main form. Among them, thenoun of measure words divided into individual measure words, collection measure words,weights and measures measure words, temporary measure words four subclasses; the verbof measure words divided into full-time measure words, borrowed measure words and timemeasure words three subclasses.The third chapter is the changing form of measure words and the measure words phraseof Sanhe Dialect. The first section described the various changes in the form of measure words, and introduced the characteristics of their structure, function, meaning and purpose.The changing form of measure words of Sanhe Dialect is relatively rich, speaking from theconstructed type, they can be divided into overlap type, attached type, overlap-attached typeand overlap-embed type four kinds; speaking from the grammatical meaning, they can expressall over measure, whole measure, approximate measure, large measure, small measure,separate measure, gradually measure and satisfactory measure; speaking from the use, theyhave a original type, and have a emphasize type too. The second section introduced themeasure words phrase of Sanhe Dialect. The measure words phrase of Sanhe Dialect hasnumeral-measure phrase, demonstrative-measure phrase, interrogative-measurephrase three categories. Among them, the numeral-measure phrase has ten kinds, in order tofacilitate the narrative, we divided them into five groups from two angles of form andsemantics; demonstrative-measure phrase has three kinds;interrogative-measure phrase has three kinds, divided into two groups from the form ofquestion.The Fourth chapter is a comparative study about the measure words of Sanhe Dialectand of Mandarin. The first section compared the overall composition of measure wordsamong the two, there are44unique measure words of Sanhe Dialect,105unique measurewords of Mandarin,129common measure words belong to both. The second sectioncompared the collocation of the129common measure words, there are the collocation exactlythe same, the collocation partly the same and the collocation completely at odds three cases.The third section compared the changing form of measure words and the measure wordsphrase. The changing form of measure words and the measure words phrase of Sanhe Dialectcompared to of Mandarin, the form is more abundant, and the expressive force is alsostronger.The fifth chapter is the conclusion. The part of the conclusion summarized the maincontent of this paper, summarized the basic face and the main features of Sanhe Dialect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cili Dialect, Sanhekou Dialect, measure words
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