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The Research On The Disposal Structure In <ZHUZIYULEI>

Posted on:2013-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395479473Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The book <ZHUZIYULEI> Southern Song Dynasty Neo get a classic book witha wealth of linguistic phenomena, usually oral immediate, broad covers the syntax andfeatures, has been grammar as text object of study, with a high research value. ForSong syntax the instant oral study, the whole development of Chinese grammarcontext to provide a true and rich language material. Disposal of self-contained in thebook, showing a deeper level of blur, the rapid development of the complementsentence sentence and dispose of meaning rich and many other features. Disposal typethe text material and practical basis and foundation for our research.Disposal structure is a special kind of sentence structure in Chinese grammaticalsystem. Mr.Wang Li considered that “disposal structure is one of the signs whichmark the Chinese grammatical system moving towards perfection” The corpus of inthe Combination <ZHUZIYULEI>disposal text is a comprehensive collection andanalyzed its fine description and classification of comparing the style of which thedisposal of the sentence of the same, the similarities and differences and analyze thesyntactic structure, semantic difference, and disposal of source and at this stage ofdevelopment characteristics.The structure of the paper is divided into an introduction, the article subject andthe conclusion of three parts.The main part of the first to start from the sentence structure, focusing onanalysis of the <ZHUZIYULEI> the largest proportion of two types of disposalsentence "words and" will "wording and sentence structure comparison, at the sametime on each sentenceexpository. And then this, this paper start from the semanticanalysis "ZHUAIYULE" Disposal of semantic features and classification of inductiveanalysis, to observe the semantic change and development during this period.Disposal of sources and the development of complement in this article lasteddescription colleagues compared the same period and the era of similar works in thedisposal of the distribution of number of, to study the course of development of thedisposal of style in the diachronic and synchronic, thus assessment of disposal typestatus in the entire syntax of the process in the Song Dynasty period. The last section summarizes the full-text content and features.
Keywords/Search Tags:ZHUZIYULEI, Disposal, sentence, syntax, contrast
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