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Confucius’ Theory Of Political Administration

Posted on:2013-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395478474Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Confucius’thought as a whole system, is built on the unique understanding about the connotation of "Dao"."Dao","virtue" and "benevolence" as the core of Confucius’ thought, have the important position in the whole system. Confucius believed that "Dao" is the source of the essence of all the things, and also it is the highest virtue itself, thus Confucius places great emphasis on this moral attribute of "Dao" and use the word "benevolence" to express it. Besides, in Confucius opinion,"benevolence" is the essence of existence is universal, everyone,in essence,is equally has the "benevolence". Therefore, the value of human life is conscious of "benevolence",keep closer to the "benevolence",in this way,"people" and "Dao" achieve unity in essence. Gentleman (Political administrator) practice "benevolence" through self-cultivation, and they must deal with three relationships between people, nature and society. Political administration, it is to deal with the relationship between people and society. Confucius inherited the political thought of Zhou Dynasty, and added the moral factors in it. In Confucius’thought, the nature and the purpose of the political lies in the moral practice and general agreement. So, Confucius attaches great importance on the political, discussed in detail at political. This paper try to grasp the integrity of the Confucius thought, and discuss Confucius’Theory of Political administration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, Political administration, Political administrator, Dao (道), Ren (仁)
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