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The Awareness Of Cultural Fear In The The V.S. Naipaul’s Works " A Bend In The River "

Posted on:2013-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395471490Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Victoria Su Naipaul (V.S.Naipaul,), the2001Nobel Prize winner in literature, has beenknown as a typical representative of the mixed cultural identity "post-colonial literature. Hisimmigrant experience, cultural identity composition and literature reflect a distinctcross-cultural, mixed characteristic. In "A Bend in the River”, Naipaul reflects the heart of allhis characters with calm and tensional style.The small and fear of performance of people isdemonstrated with great accuracy, and he expressed his deep concernation of theestablishment of a democratic healthy way of life on the black African World where bend ofthe river area as represent. Read through the novel, readers will feel a strong sense of urgencyand fear, as if being in a dangerous and chaotic environment. I desire the analysis of this fearof performance and sources and influence.This thesis is divided into three parts:The first part spreads out with the core word "fear", discusses the general meaning of“fear”,“fear” has both the positive significance and negative significance.Also discusses theobject of fear and source. Second, talk about the exchange and communication betweendifferent cultural groups from the people’s cultural identity. Analysis the culture of fear whenvulnerable Third World culture as the representative of cultural groups in the face of strongcultural group as the representative of Western culture. In this chapter, the author putsforward the main objective of the "culture of fear", and proposed that the key to eliminate thecultural divides is development and tolerance.The second part discusses the culture of fear in the work,"A Bend in the River. First,starting from the writer Naipaul survival trajectory to find the writer’s own culture of fear.Next, return to the text, from the details, analysis the character body and image worksembodied the survival of difficulties, summarizes the culture of fear of their own.The final section discusses the culture of thinking derived from the product of the writersand the reading of their works. Migration of human is walking between cultures, If the strongculture holds a high attitude, the vulnerable cultural groups which gets close to them musthave fear and self-deactivation, and will be gradually marginalized. I believe that the cultureof fear is not conducive to the today’s world high degree of exchange and integrate.Startingfrom the fear of vulnerable cultural groups, we hope to provide useful inspiration for thedevelopment of third world countries. The advocacy to strong culture of tolerance isconducive to cultural exchange and communication, but it’s also the self-help outlet of theWestern culture after the fall of the Western Center on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Naipaul, Cultural existence, Culture of fear, Development, Tolerance
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