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Vocabulary Study Of "XiaojingZhushu"

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395454179Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xiaojing is one of the Confucian classics, focuses on filial piety of Confucianism thathas become an important part of the Chinese Cultural Psychology. The language of Xiaojingis straightforward and concise, on which descendants’ commentary is more colloquial. Mostof the recent research on the Xiaojing is targeted to the filial piety, but ignore the study oflanguage. This article approaches the Xiaojng from the linguistics, and exhaustively studiesthe vocabulary. Through the contrast between the annotation and dredging permits during theTang and Song dynasties, the article investigates the basic features of language during theTang and Song dynasties, and explores changes of common words and development ofDisyllables. From the perspective of the Vocabulary history it researches diachronicdevelopment, using many methods like comparison, statistics and exploration, trying toclearly recognize the differences and relations between ancient vocabulary and modernvocabulary, and summarizes the development rules of language during the Tang and Songdynasties.This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is an introduction section,which briefly describes the Xiaojing and the main commentary, researches status and studyon the evolution of Disyllables and common words, and makes simple expositions onresearch value and methods.The second and third chapters study the vocabulary of XiaojingZhu andXiaojingZhengyi, focusing on below two issues. First,trough to9groups of zheXiaojingZhu,6groups of the XiaojingZhengyi during the evolution of the word grooming, toform different words on the same glosseme and specific track description of changes,estimating changes of common characteristics of common words. Second is the classics ofXiaojingZhu and XiaojingZhengyi by the statistics and classifies all vocabulary, find thenumber of monosyllabic word and disyllabic word, explained and with two-syllable wordinstead of single-syllable words, calculate ratio of evolution of Disyllables, with specificgrowth figures ambiguity of pre-Qin dynasty to the Tang and Song dynasties. The fourth chapter is the conclusion part. Degree of Disyllables from Qin dynasty toTang dynasty and Song dynasty had a markedly improved; changes are a variety of commonwords, various changes have their own characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:XiaojingZhushu, ommon words, Disyllables
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