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The Meaning Construction Of Synaesthesia In Advertisements

Posted on:2013-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392954847Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now we are in an age of information and commercial advertising has pervaded everycorner of human life as a communication media. Meanwhile, the application ofsynaesthesia in advertising has become more prominent. Synaesthesia has the uniquepsychological function in subconsciousness which makes the advertisements moreinfective and powerful.The thesis attempts to analyze synaesthesia in commercial advertising with theapplication of image schema of force dynamics from cognitive perspective. The objectiveof the study is as following:1) To testify the conditions of meaning construction ofsynaesthesia;2) To identify the methods of meaning construction of synaesthesia;3) Toexplore the final results of meaning construction of synaesthesia;4) To demonstrate thefeasibility of the cognitive explanation of meaning construction of synaesthesia within theframework of image schema of force dynamics theory.Synaesthesia was initially regarded as a kind of rhetorical method, but Lakoff andJohnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory provides a new study perspective. As animportant cognitive method, the mapping process of synaesthesia is the cognitive processof mapping from one sensory domain to one or more sensory domain. Talmy’s imageschema of force dynamics theory can interpret the dynamic mapping process fromcognitive perspective. It utilizes image schema of force dynamics theory, attempts toanalyze the cognitive backstage manipulation, namely the conditions, methods and thefinal results of meaning construction of synaesthetic metaphor, for the purpose ofdemonstrating the feasibility of cognitive explanation of meaning construction ofsynaesthetic metaphor within the framework of image schema of force dynamics theory.This thesis aims to analyze synaesthesia in advertisements within the framework ofimage schema of force dynamics theory and reveal the dynamic generation process ofsynaesthesia in advertisements. It will also analyze the conditions, methods and finalresults of meaning construction of synaesthesia in advertisements and reveal theinnovative meaning and image beauty of synaesthesia in commercial advertising.It is hoped that the present study can promote the development of the theory of image schema of force dynamics in cognitive field. Meanwhile, the findings of the research canmake readers understand the dynamic generation process of meaning construction ofsynaesthesia. It is expected that the findings of the research will lend support to theoreticalexploration of advertising creation strategies and benefit the application of linguisticsresearch achievements in the field of advertisement.
Keywords/Search Tags:synaesthesia, image schema of force dynamics, advertisement, cognitivemechanism
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