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Regional Distribution Of Ming Dynasty Poet

Posted on:2013-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392953825Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,"Ming words","Ming word Supplement" and "Ming words publishedin the Supplement," published after the word be added to papers included in the MingDynasty poet Hometown statistics, preliminary sketch of the Ming Dynasty poetgeographical distribution, the combination of human geography and explore its causes.According to the statistics shows, the majority of the poet of the Ming Dynasty locatedin the southern region, especially in the South Zhili, Zhejiang provinces. This articlefrom the political background, economic development, cultural and educational andliterary personality and geographical and cultural relationship between the fourperspectives explain the formation of the Ming Dynasty to the geographical distributionpattern of the reasons. This paper will adopt a comparative approach, time for thevertical space for the abscissa, examine the same kinds of cultural and sports writers todifferences in geographical distribution in the different geographical distribution of theage difference and different literary writers of the same era, and on this basis to find theback of deep cultural reasons. The body will be divided into four parts for detailedanalysis and discussion.The first part of the statistical analysis on the place of origin of the Ming Dynastypoet lays out the situation of the geographical distribution of the Ming Dynasty poet.The poet of the Ming Dynasty is widely distributed throughout the Ming Dynasty, thetwo capitals of13provinces, but mostly in the South, especially in the Gangnam areathe most. Terms of the Ming Dynasty, the government, the state school for theadministrative units, the Suzhou government was the word most intensive landsurrounding him Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou government such asZhongxinggongyue like constitute a bright dazzling word center, this region is exactlywhat we said today the Taihu Lake Cultural District.The second part, before the poet Hometown statistics based on the distribution of the various regional poet has to understand, this section were four from the political,economic, cultural, educational, geographical and cultural point of view to explore theMing Dynasty to the geographical distribution of pattern formation reasons.The third part, taking into account the geographical distribution pattern of the MingDynasty poet can not be accomplished overnight, should be developed from theprevious generation gradually. Therefore, this part of the contrast similarities anddifferences between the geographical distribution of the Song, Yuan, Ming and threepronouns people, explore the changes in the geographical distribution of the differentperiods of the same literary genre writer to see the Ming Dynasty to the geographicaldistribution of the inheritance and development of the previous generation.Part IV, on the basis of a detailed understanding of the geographical distribution ofthe Ming Dynasty poet, the comparison of this part of the Ming Dynasty style writergeographical distribution, to explore the similarities and differences between thegeographical distribution of the different literary writers of the same period, to see thetwo-way selection of literature and regional culture sex.Ming Dynasty poet geographical distribution of research can be a clearunderstanding of the ecological environment of the next word, the study author, style,genre, etc. of the next word is not without benefit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, poet, geography, human geography
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