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Campus Life And Images Of College Students Written In The New Period Novels

Posted on:2013-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392951148Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis selected the new period novels as the research object which describethe campus life and create college students’ image. According to the creation style andthe type of college students’ image, these new period novels were divided into threestages. Each stage analyzes the social and literary environment of the writers forcreating the college student novel, explaining the reflection of these phenomena in thedescription of the college students’ novel, summing up the different features of thecollege students novels in various periods. This thesis is divided into the followingparts:The introduction parts: Firstly, the thesis combs the history in time cues from thedifferent aspects, such as the changes of social life, university education anduniversity students’ psychological and so on, and simply summarized the record ofliterature history about the college students’ novel. Secondly, scans the research aboutthe novels of campus life and the college students’ image, and recapitulate them fromtwo parts with making the new period as a border.Main part: it is divided into three chapters; each chapter discusses the novels ofone stage both concerning the campus life and college students’ image. The first stageis the1980s. According to the characteristics of the novels, this thesis divides the1980s into two stages for taking the mid-1980s as a border. The previous period, witha characteristic of the wound, reached the aim of inspiring the college studentsthrough the noble moral. The second stage displayed a strong rebellious spirit, andYou Have No Choice of Liu Sola can be the representation of this stage. Chapter2discusses about college student’s novel and its characteristics in the1990s. Thecreation of this period presents two different writing directions: one of them is therealistic writing of campus life which is closed to the mainstream value; another kindis the weird youth at the end of the century. Chapter3discusses about collegestudent’s novel and its characteristics in the new century. During this period, thepopularity of the network novels has a great influence on the development of campusnovels. A lot of students started to create actively by writing their own campus life. And these novels present a rebellious and playful attitude to life, which reflects theinferiority and conceit psychological characteristics of college student in this period.
Keywords/Search Tags:New period novels, Campus life, College students’ image
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