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Geographical Background Of Chinese Formal Names Research

Posted on:2013-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392461644Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Formal names have come into being since the appeared of human socity.From the linguistic point of view,the Chinese formal names has the samecharacteristics as the general language,we can clearly find the specialcharacteristics of the Chinese formal names ofphonetics,vocabulary,semantics, rhetoric. From the culture point of view,as aproper names,Chinese formal names contact with contemporary political,economic,customs and traditions, cultural concepts in the geographical andcultural background,and it shows a variety of characteristics.This paper has four chapters.The first charpter is foreword.It include the Chinese names investigationactuality,purpose,significance,innovation,data source and itsgeography,humanities.The second charpter and the third charpter are the main parts of thepaper.From the linguistic point of view,in the second charpter,we analyze thenames of Cui Jun village,Er Huangmiao village and Fu Qiaoba village,apply the manner of statistic,and elaborate the use of situation of its characterspecies,high frequency letter,one-word name,two-word name,uncommonwords of different regions;we compare the distribution and collocation oftone,vowel in different regions,and sum up the trait of word acceptation andword formation type;analyze the rhetoric with idiographic example.In thethird charpter,from Chinese thinking,entironment,social circumstance,clanconcept,custom culture,aesthetic concept,we detaliedly summarize the culturecharacteristics of the Chinese formal names.The fourth charpter is the sum-up,and the issue of Chinese formal names′specification is been proposed.In this part,author sum up Chinese formalnames′naming actuality,summarize and explain the reasons of diverseChinese formal names,sum up its development evolution trend,and proposethat how to standardize it.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese formal names, linguistic, culture, region
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