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A Study On Application Of Genre-based Teaching Approach In English Major Reading Instruction

Posted on:2013-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392453612Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading ability is one of the most important language competencies for English majors.And reading comprehension weighs heavily in both TEM4and TEM8. However, students’performance in reading comprehension of TEM4or TEM8is far from satisfactory. Englishmajor reading instruction needs to be more effective.The present research, in the theoretical framework of ESP School genre theory,studies how to apply genre-based teaching approach to English major reading instruction,drawing on Hyon’s genre-based ESL reading instruction. The genre-based teachingprocedures include modeling analysis, imitative analysis, in-depth analysis, integratedexercises, independent analysis and imitative writing. Considering the specific needs ofEnglish majors, news genres are included in the course genres besides narration, expositionand argumentation which are common in almost all reading textbooks or testing materials.An experiment is conducted by means of reading comprehension tests, questionnaires,observation and individual interview.We find that genre-based reading instruction can, to some degree, improve students’reading comprehension ability, especially concerning textual structure and makinginference. The more teaching time is available, the more effective the genre-based readinginstruction. Genre-based reading instruction is particularly suitable for students of highlanguage level while students of low language level report that it is too demanding. Englishmajors show great interest in the learning of news genres, but they are less interested in thelearning of the other three genres. Moreover, students’ independent learning has beengreatly promoted since genre-based reading instruction is student-centered and alsotask-based. Students’ genre awareness cultivated through reading also transfers positivelyto writing to some degree. But students are found reserved to have oral discussion in class.This research explores the feasibility of applying genre-based reading instruction tojunior English majors and helps to prove the effectiveness of genre-based readinginstruction, which is of value to English major teaching practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:genre analysis, genre-based teaching approach, English major readinginstruction
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