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The Study Of "Shi Yi Hui Tong"

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377960016Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As son of Wu Rulun who is the runner of the school of Tongcheng in the late Qing Dynasty,Wukaisheng had deep family learning.He once studied at Waseda University in Japan,accessed some western academic.So he almost was called as Chinese and Western scholar.The book of shi yi tong was written in the1920s and1930s by Wukaisheng,not only Adhered to the traditional classical studies and scholarship path,but also contained many Wu Kaisheng’s insights of "The Book of Songs".Although not very similar,with the overall academic style but the book still has a lot of goog idea.This article wil expand the discourse from the following areas:The section of Introduction will primarily research topics of review and describe the meaning of my topics.The first chapter will primarily introduce Wu Kaisheng’s life and work,analyse the history of the situation about the study of "The Book of Songs" and discuss the relationship between "Shi Yi Hui Tong" and the wave of study about1920s and1930s.The second chapter will introduce the version and style of "Shi Yi Hui Tong" and summarize ite features of writing. The third chapter will discuss Wu Kaisheng’s thought according "Shi Yi Hui Tong",mainly infer from the contrast between "Mao Shi Xu" and "Shi Ji Zhuan".His thought include:pushing Wenwang’s morals and manners;advocating the tender and gentle to the Confucian view of the poem teaching;safeguarding the feudal moral of the feudal society.The forth section will evaluate the value and defects of "Shi Yi Hui Tong".Value is mainly divided into historical value and literary critical value.Defect will be analyse from the thought limitations,following the old wrong view and words exegesis.The part of conclusion will summarize the overall characteristic and the value and the loss of "Shi Yi Hui Tong".
Keywords/Search Tags:Wukaisheng, Shi Yi Hui Tong, idea, value, defects
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