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Talent Studies On Wang Meng

Posted on:2013-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377952453Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Meng has long been playing a unique role in Chinese contemporaryliterature history. He is a litterateur with profound mind. His woks reflect the footprintof New China over half a century. He is a scholar with broad horizon who makes agreat achievement not only in commenting on A Dream in Red Mansions, probing intothe poet Li Shangyin and his poems but also in translating John Cheever’s works. Heis a politician with a strategically advantageous perspective. He can harness politicsand life with the art of being tolerant and following the golden mean. Wang Mengmay be called an exception in the circle of Chinese contemporary writers, risingabove the common herd and full of perspicacity. Making a general survey of theacademic research of Wang Meng over recent years, people can find his majorachievements focusing on literary criticism, biographic literary and interview.However, considering Wang Meng as a multidimensional whole, one can study WangMeng the viewpoint of not only from literary but also talent studies in which peoplecan conduct a multidimensional interpretation. Why can Wang Meng acquire greatachievements in so many fields? The reason goes to his life experience whichcontains numerous factors to cultivate talents. Through talent studies, this paperinterprets Wang Meng’s life experience by exploring the special and universal law inhis success so as to derive some practical guiding significance to expand and perfectlife, which is actually the purpose of this paper.This paper adopts the research method of talent studies and conducts a talentinterpretation of Wang Meng from the viewpoint of internal factor and external factor.Considering the interrelationship of subjective and objective factors that influencesWang Meng’s development, this paper strives to make a holistic inspection andanalysis of researching object. The first part of the paper focuses on analyzing theinternal factors contributing to Wang Meng’s success. The internal factor plays aleading role in the growing process of talents. Based on the general internal factorscontributing to the growing and success of talents, that is, virtue, knowledge, ability, learning and physique, this paper, combining with the quality of Wang Meng’s own,discusses the great impact of interest, diligence, knowledge, ability, virtue, health andother factors exerting in the talent growing process of Wang Meng. The second part ofthis paper mainly analyzes the external factors affecting Wang Meng’s talent process.In terms of the whole effect to the growing and development of talents, the socialenvironment plays a primary role, where family, school, work environment, socialcontact, prosperity and adversity as other external factors interactively affect WangMeng’s development. This part mainly makes an analysis of the external factorsaffecting Wang Meng’s talent process from aspects of social environment, like family,prosperity, adversity and social contact, thus to explore the function not to beneglected by the external environment in the growing process of talents.It’s true, from the viewpoint of talent studies, that Wang Meng is a special modalsuccess. His success contains so much uniqueness, special social background, atwisting life, the opportunities and transition, which couldn’t be replicated andfollowed. Nobody could choose his life background and opportunities, so everyonehas various opportunities. However, under the established external conditions, hegives full play to his initiative, overcoming difficulties in the way he chose, andfinally becomes an outstanding littérateur and famous scholar, who is correspond tothe general law of talent development. To explore factors contributing to WangMeng’s success under the relevant theory of talent studies and compare these twotogether, it is found that the general and special law in the process of writers’ successhas an active pioneering significance in the study of Wang Meng.This paper conducts a joint research in between talent studies and writer studiesin literary. This undoubtedly expands new horizon and researching field and providesa new way in studying Wang Meng. Through an interpretation of Wang Meng fromthe perspective of talent study, this paper makes a new exploration to thecomprehensive interpretation of Wang Meng so as to expand and deepen the academicresearch of Wang Meng.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Meng, talent studies, internal factor, external factor
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