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Artistic Creation And Historical Reconstruction

Posted on:2013-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377951552Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout Chinese history theme painting development course, atdifferent times, historical theme oil paintings are carrying different historicalmission, in the works, Chinese oil painters adhere to the realistic technique andthe localization of artistic language to show a variety of historical subjects, sothat works with Chinese characteristics and unique brand of the times. Thisthesis consists of four chapters:The first chapter is an overview of the history of painting, from thehistorical paintings of the concept, the historical theme oil paintings in the SovietUnion as the representative of the western development.The second chapter and the third chapter is the main part of the paper. Sincethe founding of new China sixty years to be divided into two parts to elaborateon, respectively is the second chapter of the last century since the founding ofthe development and the third chapter of the new century major historical themecreation engineering. The second chapter is composed of seventeen year periodin the history of the theme of oil painting, historical theme oil paintings after thecultural revolution, the development of three parts, the third chapter is thedetailed analysis of art creation of national major historical themes related to theproject, including the project of creating the overall situation, from the contentand the theme of the project progress, from the form and language display ofEngineering innovation.The fourth chapter is the last chapter, mainly on painting in the history ofpainting thinking in the new period, the angle of review and reflection ofChinese oil painting in the history of painting creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese oil painting, the subject of history, new China
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